Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ride Day 2024 - Napa

Ride day 2024. My friend was being his usual grouchy (but kind) self, so someone I know adorned his car windows with a hand covered in a glove covered in peanut butter. Since the person with a peanut butter palm was a volunteer, there were few repercussions....mainly some laughs, and a some lectures on how hard it is to remove peanut butter from surfaces. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Look at all the 11s

I was enjoying seeing the sunset while waiting at the airport. 
When I looked at the image later I saw all the 11s. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fungi on tree

May not be nice for the tree, but kind of nice hangout for Fungi. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Paper wasp nests, native rose, twin berry, scratched tree - Pt. Reyes

Above: Native Rose . Below: Twin Berry. Pt. Reyes walk. 

Above: Paper Wasp nest...likely fallen and abandoned. Below Paper Wasp a cell section at top of nest

Below -- lots of spring like curls on this. It looked a bit metallic in the light. 

Below: Scratched tree...mountain lions, bobcats.

Below: Some sort of non-insect invasion on the leaves.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Silk dresses from scarves -- more!


Trying to reduce the scarf pile -- created more dresses.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Peaceful view

Was fortunate to experience a full relax with this view in my eyes. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Lovely Day


Friends flew up from LA area for a day visit. Had fun in a relaxed but gallivanting way. View above was at a late afternoon rest spot. So so special for them to share their hearts with me in this way.