Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Xerox Transfer on Silk

Xerox transfer process on silk. Have made a collection of these from various photographs, and am playing with method of "mounting" them while continuing to display the properties of the silk...delicate, flowing.

Did a few on tee shirts today, will see how they launder, and post if make it through relatively unscathed.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tintin and Snowy Skirt

Tintin and Snowy taking a walk on my new skirt. Difficult to impossible to find decent looking Tin Tin stuff for women, so, voila made it myself. (Of course, not my original art, hats off to Georges Remi/Herge)

Tintin skirt

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Xerox Transfer on Fabric

My first Xerox transfer on fabric. Used same photo of school kids I saw walking to historic temple near Mysore. Fabric square itself is very nice, given to me by friend in printmaking class, she used her husbands old handkerchiefs as rags, but, we thought this was nice alternative use too.

Here is how I do it:

You will need:
1. Toner printed image -- drawing or photo...any image will work that looks good in black/white/greyscale.
2. Printing press
3. Print making ink
4. Gum Arabic & Water
5. Plexiglass sheet
6. Rubber roller -- 2

a. Make a black and white "xerox" of your image on a toner based copier (not an ink jet).
b. Mix some gum arabic and water together...mostly gum arabic on a glass slab.
c. Using a rubber roller, roll gum arabic onto a sheet of plexi.  Plexi s/b the same size as your paper or image, depending on how careful you are, or how much the edge of the plexi will show up on your design once it gets on the fabric/paper. Keep it clean...random ink and stuff will transfer to your fabric (or paper) if you leave it there!
d. Put your xerox face up on the plexi.
e. Roll gum arabic on the xerox.
f. Roll printers ink on the xerox.
g. Wipe the ink off the paper with a damp sponge. This is a little tricky. Not too wet or wiped too "hard" or the xerox will fall apart or you will wipe off too much ink. The idea is to allow the ink to bond with the xerox image....the printers ink goes to the black dots on your image...(the mini dots that make up the image).
h. Put the plexi down on the printing press.  (cover the press bed, adjust the setting for the thickness of your plexi).
i. Dampen your fabric or paper (with mister).
j. Lay the fabric down on the plexi. (lay it as you want it the first time...you are dealing with ink, it will transfer to random places if you move it around....be precise the at the beginning if exactness is important to you).
k. Roll the press.
l. Carefully lift up your fabric.
m. Hang to dry.

I have found that printer's ink remains on fabric...I haven't washed it 10+ times, but do believe it will stay on there, at least for "art purposes" ...perhaps not your everyday tee shirt.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Xerox Transfers

Playing with Xerox Transfer process, using different color techniques to add element. Tried something late today that I think has "legs." Will work on more next week, blending ideas.