Thursday, October 28, 2010

Table -- Granite

Used granite scraps picked up from the dust bins of kitchen/bath counter fabricators to create a 8' by 3' table top to be used as a planting table. The array of "stone" that nature provides continues to amaze with beauty...the colors, the weight, the properties of shine and layer. I shall add "sequence of steps" photos soon, but basically, here is the outline for you to follow when you create your own table or bench: Start with the remnants, lay out the pattern, cut to fit (as necessary), glue in place, grout the "seams," sponge, cure, enjoy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Travels -- but what did I make?!

Using this blog to capture my handwork rather than details of my everyday life, but feeling remise about so many days without a blog entry! Just back from visit to Madrid, working on special project for kids clothing line (super cool)...lovely time, worked lots, enjoyed lots. what did I make? Hmmmm. a). Progress b). Insight c). Time will tell.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pillow from Scarf

First time making pillow with flange back -- used a scarf from my Auntie for front.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Took some unused dated "completion" medals (2007) leftover from a charity cycling event I am involved with and created some pieces. A group of us attend quite a few meetings, create and used quite a few spreadsheets, and overall spent quite a bit of time on the event. Used our super long task list as confetti, wove a rest stop food donation excel sheet, and spliced a portion of a board used for displaying raffle item. All this is fresh on my mind because we just held 2010 event this past weekend...added bonus was that I cleaned out my files before storing them away until we begin planning again in January 2011!