Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pyrography -- Peacock via Wood Burning

Found a wooden "vintage-y" looking box this past January, covered with various design elements that were etched into the surface somehow, and then painted. Reminded me of the wood burning set I had as a kid, though without the blackened surface.  Tried to etch this new wooden box with a Dremel etch tool, but design did not get deep enough.  Moved to wood burning set (new one), and here is result. Will attempt some paint touches and an orange oil coat.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Simple Sewing...Dress

Had a rectangle knit fabric,  cut it kind of in trapezoid shape, sewed. Took the side scraps and made simple sleeve, really just rectangles attached in front and back, but at angle.  Knit fabric, so forgiving for fit.  Under an hour for sure...most of the time making sure the sleeves were asymmetrical.

Dinner -- Guest Artist

Her arrangements are just so....broccoli and lettuce, grapes and bananas, soup, and ice cubes.  With Sneaky Snacky Squirrel box as tray.

Tree Pillow

Started as a scarf/muff, somehow the rows started to expand...drop stitch, pick up really wasn't the yarn for a beginner, but I liked the texture.  At some point I decided that it had the potential for a tree, so I more consciously tried to shape as such.  Made while I was staying in Prague for a bit a few years ago, and search for fabric stores to find backing. A couple weeks ago I decided it was time to retire the pillow, so de-stuffed, and shelved. Was never a practical pillow in a way, as that trunk up at top made the pillow more stable on the furniture. About 3" long.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sash-Squash Opo

Sonoma -- some very long green squash ...opo.