Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bike...Guest Artist

She made it for her Dad's birthday.  He had gone over details of bike parts with her the other day, so she wanted to make sure she put them in the design.  She drew a plan first.  I don't recall doing that when I was 5.5 years old.

Green because it is his favorite color. She was thinking of adding a kick stand, but then figured Dad's bike didn't have one, even if her bike does have one.   He did get streamers though...because naturally streamers are an important part of a bike.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Grown in dirt created from compost from veggies and garden leaves. In the sun that hits it in the back yard.
My first "by hand" bottom to top produce product. Looked more red in real life than this photo. Nothing like a backyard garden tomato.