Thursday, July 24, 2014

Felted Case with Stitching...Travel Protection

Needle felted from wool of local sheep...the spinner put a few strains of other fiber, thus the golden colors hinting through.  Hand stitched design I saw on pendant that person described as "Native American"
 travel protection design.  

First felted one round, then stitched. The second round needle felted in center, and not so fully felted on sides. Put the two circles back-to-back and felted the two-ply edge together to form case for special rock.  
Felted loops to help keep the rock secure yet a opening available to take the rock in and out. Stitched the corners of the opening to give more strength at possible pressure point. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Roses...real ones

So many circles of roundness those petals form. The color, the shading, the gesture, and long long stems. 
The curl of the edges, the velvet on the inner side of each petal.  Oh la la. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Let's See Why

Three variations on the same shoe, all the same brand, all the same color, right under my nose.  The three wearers did not know each other.  I get that Havaianas are fairly common, and gold in trend the last year or so, but really, all just standing there together? Oh...and the photo taker had a pair on too, but not gold.