Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

First Rose of Season

Ok..took it awhile on this one...the rose that travelled on the move with me many years ago...but it finally opened up to a nice bloom....I missed taking a picture for a bit, but still a happy first bloom...with many  more buds to come

In the rain...and the little one open.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Sculpture -- Guest Artist ..updated

She wants to enter a gallery show at her school.  The theme was given, we discussed...from pedestrian level to aspirational level.  I asked her to sketch it out -- and voila, in just minute, she had.
I was impressed....for a 7 year old to think it through and 3D it, and then draw the directional arrows of the concept coaching on the sketch at all.

Not done yet** (but done now! See below) ....still some additional elements and painting to go.  But, wow, the minds of kids.  Free and quick.

She turned the hand drill (no electric tools to assemble this), screwed the screws and bolt.
Yes, the found elements did help with form, but, there was a lot more than the elements that put this together.

4.16.2016 -- update -- complete!

The idea is that the top part rotates (which it does), with paintbrushes at the end -- ideally with brushes saturated with paint to the point of splattering.  When the top part rotates, it splashes paints on the shirts around it.  Her giraffe is the stand in -- demonstrating the painted shirt as result of being splattered.  Auntie admires the thought, but was hesitant on the paint part..for the tulle is mock paint, with the actual giraffe shirt painted by the artist with a hand held brush.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lunch Spot

Lucky lucky, yes I know. A warm day for this time in Spring....our spot for lunch after hike up the hill.