Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pine Marten Cermaic Tile Table -- from drawing

Ok, it isn't done yet, but on the way.  Took drawing and interpreted into ceramic tiles. The first pine marten shape came out too light and a too cartoon like in the face. Scrapped it, and made another. This one looks a little troubled...maybe because of fear of dwindling food supply/territory to roam free? Need to work on my ability to draw a face "realistically" in glaze. But, not going for the 3-peat here...will take this set of tiles into table form (glue, grout, build table) over the next few weeks.

Made for person who believes they spotted this animal on local tee...hasn't been seen roaming in this area for awhile, so further investigation is underway. 

Taking a while to finish - -tile works

Gad, Getting the glazes right on these is bogging me down...test tiles not coming in the way I intend. 
One a back splash, the other a table.  Put in another batch of test tiles for firing yesterday...will see if allows me to move forward -- even if not "perfect," I might just risk it...patience vs desire to move forward with projects.