Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 ends outside...

Pretty days to end the year and begin another.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Tree

Gingerbread Kids 2016


Gingers get decorated once again. Still seems a way to get the most candy on them as possible, but they have fun, so may they keep on wanting to play this way!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Table in Progress...still....

This was a simple one, by see how fast.  Ahem..taking longer than the more complicated ones because of the time it is taking to get in the kiln in the various processes as well as a long wait for an out of stock in one of the glazes.  Still waiting for pieces.  There are flecks on the pink piece -- can't see in photo. I think there is something here that underlines "passion" in creation.  Had more passion in the other tables...a reason...this was an experiment, and tried to make it simple....but it isn't inspiring to me...maybe better when finished, but my take away is that, while creating simple (even simpler than this simple thing)  can absolutely be the most powerful, the passion part has to be in there too. Not yet here!  Simple design that exclamation mark..yes, meaning behind it, but even an arc would do.  Next time!

Crowns...ceramic..awaiting their jewels

Balloons.. with the mouse shape in favorite

Must have had something to do with the proximity of the fellow below....

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Wreath Making

Park services event fun again this year -- they trim things off local trees in parks..and take a bit of trimmings from local Christmas tree lots.  Brought the little one this year...she made a wreath of her own as well.  Making a wreath of local real stuff, view of the bay, and family = priceless.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Snowman Wood Cut out in Work..for outdoors.

Growing up, when the Farris family put up their trio of near life size (wooden) choir boys singing in their knew Christmas was approaching.  Finally, wooden snowman to honor the memory and enjoy in present.  Cut him out last year, but didn't get to the decorating....and cutting it a little close now, but he should make it up by this Christmas!  He is about 5 feet tall..mushroom umbrella to give color added, and a little more here and there.

2016 Holiday Cards...Handmade is supposed to look like a gift...and it was in my mind is filled with peace and love.
I was going to tag it that way, but then thought, goofball, the tag is for the name, not the contents..(I figured that out before I made the cards, but not before I concepted). But, I liked the tags for color and "3D", they stayed. Not sure my handwriting is up to writing recipients name on there...might just be the "expectation" part of a blank name on a"surprise" and  "good things to come" in terms of the stuff that physical packages often can't hold.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Dec 3rd...what it looked like from here

On a walk by the ocean...nearby the best picnic table placement in the world.