Sunday, April 23, 2017

Outside this weekend....Pierce Point, Ridgecrest..wildflowers and green grass

The bug who did this to the mushroom must be into figurative stuff.  

Little coyote was so close, but focused on a mouse, not us.  I was spending my eye time looking at him, and didn't pull out my phone until he was farther away...and he gave a nice show...a couple leaps/bounces as he went for his prey (that got away...this time!). 

Note that cow 949 and cow 950 are next to each other.  Cow 949 was outside the fence near the road, so told the next ranch house, and the guy took off right away to get him back inside the fence.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Swirly Raised Pattern Clay Crown

In process..raised detail...clay crown, latest in series.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Crown of Thorns -- in Clay / Ceramics

The latest to make it through the glaze process in the crown series in clay. Debated on shiny or more true wood tone, but went shiny to sit with the other shiny ones in series...the thought line smooth with the shine, but perhaps altered with contrast of this one to the others.

 Have extra thorns that will accompany with a hopefully simple but true statement involving compassion (via a few less thorns)  --  or something like that.   As it is now, one can put it on their head...with thorns inside, that wouldn't work.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Animal Clay / Ceramic Crown -- Animal Kingdom -- in progress

A rainy Saturday morning allowed for indoor activity..and idea that was recently brewing took shape.  Part of the crown series with which I am playing...this one is for the Animal Kingdom.  Below are two of the steps, with photo on top and at very bottom as it dries. 

Re-do for Travelling Sis

One may not think replanting and trimming a deck worth of plants an such would be much of a is surprisingly taxing. Trying to keep things neat with the dirt, orchestrated in spacing, and then moving it all around when it is h-e-a-v-y with dirt and another slug of rain water. Hopefully a happy surprise for travelling sister.