Friday, September 29, 2017

Crown Molding....with diamonds

Fixed the gold color glaze a bit with acrylic gold.  Added some crystals for sparkle. May try to even out the purple, but intent was to have it fade in background, so don't want to make it too bold.
Next time do one like this will try for monochromatic so the crystals pop more, and a perhaps result will be a little less garish.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Ride Day 2017

Useful smaller hands to help...and entertain.  Day before sky below, beautiful day for riders, albeit a bit of wind...though comfortable temperature.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Elk with self Adorned Horn

Might not be holly, and might not be a reindeer, and isn't December....but a special image. Hopefully with an easy remedy to get it off.

Outside window today..squirrel giving owl some competition.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Surfboard Ceramic Tile Table

Ok, not really a surfboard...but shapes reminiscent of one perhaps.  Made it so it could live outdoors, like any true surf enthusiast would want. This was an experiment to see how fast I could make a table. Answer: Not very fast.  The shapes and cutting went faster than my couple of other tables of this size (b/c this design less complicated), but because shapes were bigger, think that delayed it getting into kiln at class. Then a winter that rained so much, couldn't put it together outside. But, now, done...except finding a home for it.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pine Marten table...ceramic tiles took a long time to get this finished......ahem.....nothing gets something done like working on it.  Custom for someone who swears they saw a pine marten around coast here. Long legs on table relative to top dimensions, but also part of the request.  Ceramic tiles...hand cut by me.  I didn't much like this was pre-mixed and self sealing, and I think a bit stiff to work with, and shinier than my ideal as it cured. The powder kind of grout I mix myself seems to work best for me.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Papercut on Card

Glue stick to put these on cards...paper cuttings that my Mom makes with tiny scissors. No lasers involved...just snip snip snip by hand.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Mobile Bottling Truck in Action

Was up at smaller winery the other day...heard the clanking of bottles....looked to see it coming from this bottling truck!  Yes, I should edit the video a bit, but....l.a.z.y.

Artwork for Orthodontist office....hmmmm

Kind of gross, but at least she took the retainer out while she was chewing on the hard candies.