Monday, December 31, 2018

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Oh, what a nice crop of volunteers...though not going to test them for eating!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Gingers 2018


Alien Ginger in Christmas sweater and Reindeer Ginger (with harness);

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Mystery Machine -- Christmas Tree

Mystery Machine crew coming back from getting their Christmas tree. My nieces stashed the tickets they had made from last photo show, so I don't  know how the crew is seeing out the window. 

2018 Wreath

County parks department puts on "make your own" wreath event each year, using local trees (and maybe some Christmas tree lot cast off branches?!) and toyon berries. Starts with a rough circle of bare branches wrapped together, an then use wire to tie the greenery on the bare branch circle until you get the wreath you want ...or at least the one you make. :)  

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wrapping Day

One of my most favorite events of the year -- wrapping day! Kids names, their "Santa" list, piles and piles of toys/etc to pick from to help connect happy to a kid.  So well organized by the Police and Fire teams...and so nice to know so many generous people out there that donate so many items.  The pump with  the soccer ball was a nice touch this year...tucked inside the ball box....that is thinking it through donor!   My other volunteer group donated wrapping paper and supplies this year., had to use the fancy stuff on a few random kids.


Second in Series -- Smiler in Clay

I think noise here perhaps too pig-like, will have to re-think over next day or so..wrapped so hopefully will keep itself changeable.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Getting Prepared for Wreath Making

( I brought these to wreath making day, my brother pointed out that they were tile nips, not a wire cutting tool. My tool savvy needs some work!) 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Auntie Fail for Nutritious Breakfast

Note: The ice cream that went with the s'more crepe had already been consumed at this point. 
Breakfast....uga.  The older niece ordered the berry one...still with whipped cream and ice cream, but maybe a tad less sugar?!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Technology changes, but leaves a mark

Ok, so how long have they had it like this? Relatively small airport in LA area, but, really? How long has it looked like this?  Maybe it is already an art installation, and the "joke" is on me. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Smiling Ceramics with optional Adornment

This hand built ceramic smile-r  is made for top changes in terms of adornment. Took the photo when sun going down, so better light would add some vibrancy to that topnotch.  Will play with others - knot-less netting, ribbons, etc.  See a series coming here, different expressions. The other hand built taught me how to make this guy faster and more perhaps shapely than would have had not put myself through the prior exercise. Again need to find glazes that I like -- more "organic" in fired result, less shiny. 
I remember that shop in Soho where I bought that feather "necklace" -- many many years ago.
He doesn't get to keep it -- is mine for adventures!



Hand built, mid range fire

Was experiment, and taught me something in building.  It will be an outdoor pot, as aesthetically not hitting my buttons, but there is something in there that taught me something for future.  Still need to find glazes I like..more natural, more blended to my mind when making the pot. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Today's Walk

Took a walk on nearby hill all around, with city far out in the distance. So nice to have clear skies after weeks of smoke from the fires a couple hundred miles away

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What you can do if you are not cooking!

Sure it is a shot that has been taken many many times (a shot at love?!).  Walking down the Embarcadero after seeing show (art) up from a friend. His work so powerful and beautiful, though the message is not light. 

Started late in the afternoon, after doing some work in the morning, but was glad to escape to make even a bigger "mark" of not doing the cooking this year for holiday. Sisters took it over this year..yeah!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Peacock finally gets used

Peacock platter finally gets used for food -- and a Persian food to boot! Ceramics from a few years back I believe.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


A bench I made a few years ago had some issues that needed to be addressed. Chip in paint, pulling apart on one side, and some wood damage (next time I pick a different wood for outdoors that gets rain).

Was interesting to repair and restore. I wasn't perfect on the wood repair part, but I forged new paths (ha..some of it was a gouging tool), doing it step-by-step over period of time.

Came upon a parade

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Figure -- clay


A sketch in clay.  Started with the top hair, changed to the ring here...plan on adding different media to be able to alter the hair style a bit.