Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Drying tiles for next project

Made a quick batch of tiles to cover the water pipe thing outside. Quick is operative word here...because straight is not adjective to use. Need to play with glaze colors...going for toned down rather than too colorful...want it to kind of fade into the background..and look better than grey pipe thing does exposed. 

Gold Wall

Gold metallic paint makes a change to a wall.  Will get the art back up there to see complete story.
PS: One painting back up...uga..can see the patch job from former closet. history revealed!

Friday, March 16, 2018 far

Ok..this took more time than planned, and still turned out ugg.  Is a box, with doors. Color was to be much darker.  Many things broke ( hoo), did not fit, etc. Is Mammoth, and box back was the mammoth rub rocks by coast here (where they rubbed themselves 12,000 or so years ago).  Can be re-glazed, and parts put back together, but it is on back burner...just too many stalls on this one...going to rest it for now.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Trees-- Ceramic

A grove/ fairy circle of redwoods was the intent. One more tree coming. Would have liked the green to be darker, but I didn't do much testing, so shall pretend it is sunlight hitting.  Made from clay.  Cobbled (well, screwed into wood board) dowel "stand"  for each as formed them from wet clay -- dowels in a circle so adjacency could be as created once fired. Made for a fairly stable flat base at trunk bottom..not quite as good as real roots( though redwoods don't have the deepest root structure themselves).