Monday, June 25, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

Platter -- ceramic with paper cut pattern

Used papercut as stencil for glaze...applied to wet cassius clay...bisque fired, then applied over-glaze (shinier than desired), but usable for food. Yes, intention was for "brush strokes."

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Using wheat grass as cake decoration

Was trying to help make this a little less candy, and a bit more "natural" an outdoor scene in helping my niece decorate cake for her bike loving Daddy, and produce section revealed a wheat grass plant (edible) that looks like grass...because it is grass! Blueberries for rocks, but then the candy won.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Glazed Cassius Clay -- too shiny

I wanted more earthernware look here.  Should have tested them before I did overglaze. Test tiles to figure it out for next time.  Too shiny. But I am ok with the less than symmetric roundness.

  where did it go?!

 ugga on this...the shiny makes it too something..wanted dichotomy of refined with natural..didn't get there.