Monday, April 29, 2019

Skirt -- Two fabrics

Saw an intriguing garment at retail -- and then nearby at Brittex found some lightweight cotton to render a version.  Nice fabric makes a different in result.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

Goofing around with one in Series

Seventh in a series, this one I added ears and mouth "loops" that could hold different elements.
The loop on top here has two holes -- planned for holding glass tubes with sayings inside, but for today, played around with jewelry.  Jasmine smelling good, so think there is a smile in there too.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Poppies! So orange.


First time..

Ok, it was supposed to be overnight, and it got 7 in refrigerator. Could be more neat on edges, and the cherry "o" down.  Chocolate shavings, first time, left the bar out in the backyard to soften in warmth of sun...ahmem, too long..melted some, back inside to firm up a bit.  Best part = tasted great. Thank you NCB!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Delights of Childhood... on a walk

On walk this weekend, and saw delights from childhood. First came upon some polliwogs/tadpoles.
Growing up, lake by house had bunch of tadpoles that lead to frogs allover...not the same anymore, so nice to see them in this "random" small body of water that came from result of "overspill" from another lake.   Then, the horses.  I had so much fun with Breyer horses growing up.  Broke plenty of their legs galloping. Real horses in field by house growing up (now houses in that field). 

So, a happy walk for many reasons.