Thursday, August 22, 2019

From above, and then on

For the number of flights I have taken, it is surprisingly limited on the number of times I have had such a good view of the city and my county.  The next day, after a business meeting in city, took visiting colleague on view tour of pretty sights in the county...all nature, with the city occasionally in the background...looking good, but not as gorgeous as what nature created itself. 

Coming together..though .not quite figured out

Sometimes a heart is like that -- kind of, but not quite, figured out. Figured out is most fun, and hopefully will get that way.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Panda Bear Leopard Frog

Marionette -- kind of

Know I am missing some mechanics here of getting all the parts to move as desired, but prototype for learning. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hedgehog night


One sister thinks she is not artfully inclined, so the other sister gave her materials to make a simple craft. Rocks and paint. So, we had family "Make a Hedgehog" night. Sat around the table outside and created this bunch before dinner. Brother made a beetle, but since he is our little brother, we allowed it :).   His daughters did the "assignment." 

Friday, August 2, 2019

Quick Short

Facilitated by Exploratorium, so easy to execute because all the equipment was set for quick play.
So while likely many made similar assemblage, nice to be reminded of relatively easy and effective    play of quick shots for story telling.