Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tagged Monarch Butterfly !

Kids and I talking a walk today, saw a monarch with a sticker on the wing.  Got a close up view, saw that it was associated with WSU migration project.   Wrote them with the tag ID. Wrote them, and they informed so far this Monarch had flow about 180 miles in 9 days...with more to go in migration. Nice to know this one made a stop over here for us to see. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ceramic Lamp --- Hand built

Lamp -- ready to go into kiln...well,not quite ready...it needs to dry out more.  Going kind of for the mid-century look in some way. Plan on making it white/off white.  

Clay..coil built (but fat slab "coils") --.textured clay dots...I felt like a factory on those..punching them out in rapid succession, scrap bottom, slip, stick, firm press from behind/sides of front. Over and over!  14" tall, 7" circumference at base. I should do a finial as well...or maybe look for an orange smooth crystal/glass. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Precision in the Air

From above.  Then two upside down next to two right side up.  I could say they went through the bridge cables, but I wouldn't be writing the truth.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sunny Smile Card

Felt, sequins, paper and thread. 

Orange Stand on the Way

Assignment was a peak-a-boo pillow. Took some liberties by not opening it up on both sides, though had it sturdy enough that I could. Clay ..on the way to going in the kiln, then glazed. Sister remembered this type of stand -- I don't -- haha...too young.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Early embroidery -- Elephant and Tree

Found this was I was clearing out stuff.  From childhood..maybe a school project, as see drawing is traced, so that is more technique than I likely had solo at the time.   Glad I used color on elephant...that part of happy has always been there, gratefully.

Baby Play Mat

Made it for her a long long time ago. Think it was too white for her Mom to feel easy about her playing on it.  Time to let it go!  And I did.