Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lamp --Made by Me

In place -- ceramics. Yes, the shade is askew in picture.

Little Guy All Speckly

Have to figure out the pegs for the appendages to stay with the body here, but like how the glaze covered the surfaces.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Morning Walk and Afternoon Hill

 So still in the morning..nice reflection.  Later in day, new hill for me -- to see the hills and places I know from another perspective. Born here, but still more to explore!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Let there be light!

Wired the lamp base I made.  Bonus: I did not electrocute myself.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019


 Sunset on walk yesterday afternoon. Another orange ball (prior post).

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Orange Juice Stand -- Ceramics

Inspired by stands that sold orange juice....( I am too young to remember going to one (ha, choke, she better not read this)...my sister told me about ). Looked up some images, and rendered in clay with some glaze. Now to make an attendant and some cups of juice.  Assignment was to make from slab, then turn into pillow (puffy) and cut hole through..peak-a-boo pillow in clay -- didn't want hole in pillow all the way through, or the people running the stand here would have customers in front an back -- too busy, would turn into CS issues. :/.

Image here from Pinterest...hope not copyright...can't see who took photo originally.
Image result for orange juice stand

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Melanistic Red Tailed Hawk on the morning walk

Powerful looking legs -- more than just something to stand on.  Coyote down the path, likely both looking for breakfast .

Saturday, November 2, 2019

2 November on the Coast

The moon out of one eye, and the sun out of the other. I think the green dot in sky is the moon, but could be camera green thing that shows up in sunlight..so, separate moon shot below. Last picture is river otters -- crunching (yuck) on a mud hen they caught. Coyote, mini, cavorting among the cows..high hopes he has for his future? No...let's make him a veggie coyote.