Monday, August 24, 2020

Guest Artist -- Envelope Art Company

She has a business plan.  Charging nothing for the product, but having the idea and product execution is a great start. Likely because if one is happy with what they have, the montetary part isn't a high priority for some.    At some point her Dad, uncharcteriscally bored (b/c the outdoors was off limited due to smoke), said he would go ANYWHERE FOR ANYTHING...and after some thought, she smiled sincerely and said:    "Strawberry yogurt." 

First envelope depicts the recent weather issues here..with ramifications of lots of fires and smoke..resticting movement on top of resticted movement.  That had prompted her to find more to do at home, and the joy of using water colors outside in the light rain. (those did get a little splotchy). 


Double Knit Dress


Purchased this fabric 4+ years ago/ a couple trips ago -- on Opletalova or some side street off Vaclavske Namasti in Prague.  Hard to find fabric one likes pattern and quality-wise, and so that is why I took the trouble to carry it back.  Nice double knit. Still a bit of finishing  that could be done, but keeping some parts raw for now..though did edge stitch. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

iMovie -- essentially complete


Had a conribution to make in terms of video of my experience as a volunteer with an organization -- had started my involvement about 12 years ago.  Tried to give a brief example of the many volunteers involved in pulling off an annual event(which is going to be "virtual" this year).   Figured out iMovie -- without too much trouble. Nice tool! 

Not putting video here, but this stands to remind me of the accomplishment on this day. (well, I worked on it  more than just today, but got a decent rough draft done today!). 


 Some improvisation, so, kind of some thought versus list? At least it doesn't sit around for too long in terms of creating clutter.  Ahem, are you listening sparky ball?

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Another Sparky ball




Saturday, August 8, 2020

Pacific Giant Salamader


Saw this guy on the side of a trail in Pt Reyes...was so big compared to other salamaders. As the salamader got to the side of the trail, it stopped...there were people going along trail on fairly frequent basis. We stood at a distance, but still nearby, to  see if we could protect if a bike came as it went to cross, but after 20 or so minutes of motionless activity on salamader part, we went on..hoping cautious wisdom prevailed. 


Friday, August 7, 2020

Ball of Color

Saw an artist enjoying color using pins and sequins ..took a try at her medium. Wish it was all organic materials, but the riot of color was fun to touch. 


Sunday, August 2, 2020


And that evening...

And the day before: