Saturday, October 24, 2020

Another lamp in process...Ceramics

Process experiment on lamp making. Making decoration different for each, but basic construction and pattern same. Believe tool there was one Dad used.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Early evening walk...

 She was very nice to pose that way. 


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Next Lamp...Ceramics...Hand built



Trying an application (to come) that I have toyed with for while...but, have been figuring it out a bit at a time. Will hope it comes together on this one once I get through to applying stage! 

Small side note to self: Planning two lamps = doing two lamps -- in fairly fast pace. 

Tee to dress


Continuing with exploration on taking "vintage" on a new journey.  In this case, oversized tee (men's)...with added lightweight cotton gathered at hem of tee. 


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Lamp ..Ceramics

Hand built. Looks like I need to fix some texture there before too dry and ready for kiln. First piece in many months...a light for light let’s hope.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Face Mask...inspired by

Neice favorite singer for a few years...young and even more popular than when she first came across her...wore a mask (sometimes) before this lockdown. I finally mades some inspired by her masks of 2019.  I was vying for concert tag along (April 2020) , but that got cancelled for all of us. 


Hawk having a snack

 Was fairly graphic with the intestines getting pulled out ,  but raw rodent eating is not for all of us! 

Thursday, October 1, 2020


                    Orange not for good reason (smoke), but does change the vista. 




Very Big Cover