Saturday, September 25, 2021

Clay Car...glazed for second fire

Decided to go peaceful here. A friend just told me it reminded her of Dutch Clog. She is right! A stated, I was going for peaceful, but powerful...not really a Dutch Clog, but, if the shoe fits...(uggggg :) 


Friday, September 24, 2021

Mishima -- Second Try- First Fire Karluv Most (Charles Bridge, Prague)


First fire resulted in glaze coming out cleaner on surfaces than the last time.  Used a decorator nib to put the englobe into the etched lines.  My etched lines are not as fine as the last time -- it was super hot when I was making, clay drying too fast for me to get to completing the etch on, clay wasn't perfect consistency for carving.  Using a crackle glaze for second fire -- to hopefully evoke "age" as well as obscure some of the fat lines. 

Here is my cleaning effort prior to first fire:

Here is how the first one came out of the kiln..blotchy.  Think using the decorator nib to be more precise in applying englobe as well as awareness of how subtle residual pre-fire makes big mess post fire! Did take care this second time with careful moist sponge and scraping. (Yes, did sand this first one so it was clean, but having it clean prior to leaving the kiln was much easier!)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Sugar Bear...

Temporary art installation county has going on now. This one very sweet..Sugar Mary Estes.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Car out of Clay ready for glazing. Made it so it rolls. I don't even remember why I made this -- found it in storage box, unfired. ...had taken a break from ceramics for a bit, this one was midpoint of completion at the time. 

Wondering how to glaze. Speed Racer like too tame, but man, that powerful Mach 5...wasn't tame as it rolled. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Afghan into a Long Cardigan

Found a vintage afghan at local resale place.  Cut it up, and turned it into a long cardigan. 

Kind of thought it through as I was going ...also thought of the time it must have taken to make it originally, and how kind of cavalier I was with cutting it up!  More hand stitching than I had planned, but necessary do to yarn strands vs "fabric."  Bias tape on some edges. 


Saturday, September 11, 2021