Saturday, November 20, 2021

Boar -- Clay

Trying a clay that is new to me. The bottle is there for support, not to eat. 
Another creature to hang. 


Partial Eclipse


From Mia. above.  My shot below was earlier in the evening -- looked like an eye to me. 


Friday, November 12, 2021

Pressed Circles -- found on walk

Collected these little circles on a less travelled trail, and placed them on the rock above.
Seems like maybe the tip of a walking stick put into the clay of the area there...intentionally -- too many to have it be a random thing. Maybe making themselves a set of checkers?  The trail was an offshoot of the main trail, so, likely why so many still around, not yet pulverized back into the ground. Pretty day as well. 


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

In work: Two more clay pieces that hang


Will be holding a spear. Subconsciously inspired by Trilogy of Terror -- the "warrior doll" that came alive and used a knife to slash under the kitchen door ...among other scary pranks.  Karen Black...who tried to incinerate the doll in the oven as I recall, eventually got further entwined with the doll, but it was the "under the door" knife yielding that scared me quite a lot a kind of funny, kind of not...when I saw it years ago.   Just looked it up, and this guy doesn't look like the one from the film, but the knife/spear thing was the thing that stuck in mind...all these years! Uga.

Ok...a silly saccharine one here below..  Both in drying phase, with a bit more clean up to come. 
Both take off from prior experimenting  -- the guy with spear was done as a flat by me prior,
and the ice cream fan was done as a small sculpture in clay.  This series of hanging pieces is to give some 3D play to walls. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Second creature that hangs

About 12" tall. Bisque stage.  I don't want it to get shiny, so contemplating glaze step.