Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ceramic Jeannie Bottle - glazed


The shape is there, but the glaze didn't come out as hoped..some kiln issue. Playing with some sort of fiber adornment to see if can add some "jeannie" onto the bottle. Cap has more red in it than body, but not what I was after...necessity may be the mother of invention...still in inventing process.  At least is tall-ish!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Weed Pot


Instructor had told us that in 1960s or so, there was a trend in making pots with a small opening...to hold a single weed or two. Playing around here, not yet trimmed. 

Bobcat on a walk -- casual


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Jeannie Bottle


Not fired yet-- green  wax on top knob b/c it was drying out..trying to help it make it out of the kiln ok. Here is my Jeannie Bottle. Planned it out more carefully than my first one. Drew each section to help me think through shape, used calibers, made prototype finial by hand, etc.

This piece: Three thrown pieces on the body, and several mini thrown pieces at the finial. Taking a class, I am very new to throwing. Getting instruction and tips, much appreciated. Fingers crossed it makes it through the glaze process still likeable. 

Yeti -- on a bottle

Kind of a layered joke here.  This was my first thrown "vase" -- trying to make a Jeannie bottle. Yes, very much too small and not shaped as desired.  But...a least I got it to a vase shape.  So, I contemplated being happy for what was, rather than what was not.

Then, I thought through making a Jeannie bottle. The Yeti got on here because of the commercial Yeti bottles...and this a more "organic" version.  I took a picture of it glazed above, and joke continues..blurry -- is it a Yeti or a bear???!!!  But, in terms of the shape, vase is  happy for itself, being itself, not something else.