Sunday, July 31, 2022

Amaryllis Belladonna

They just bloom from a bulb in dirt. (Well, some other factors in there, but humble most living things I guess). 


Monday, July 25, 2022



Standing all proud with purple flowers. Chicory? Not common around here. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Bobcat with Bunny for Breakfast


Early walk, trail quiet at that point. Woman with a big camera was pursuing bobcat from behind, so, he walked relatively calmly ahead...right in front of me on the trail. Quite an up close view, though my eyes and my cell is what I had to take it in. 

(same as "up closer" version on top)

Friday, July 15, 2022

Running in the background

Geez, wonder how it would feel if we had a counter for every second we had on planet...uga, maybe like a countdown.  Discovered I was measuring a lap...for 39 days. 


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Rookie attempt, but attempted - Decoration for cheesecake


For birthday of sis-in-law, attempted face of her newest to family...slight melt of candy, moved it around with spoon on parchment paper, with outline below on paper. The mixed black/tan hair is particularly bad on the candy rendition, but sometimes trying is better than holding back until get it right/not doing at all. . She loves her dog -- let's hope love is a little blind.  Happy Birthday Jennifer!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Lots of flowers for July

Just moist enough to have many wildflowers prosper on new to me hike in Lagunitas.....Coliumbine, California Indian Pinks, loaded Western Azalea, and several more.