Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dad Project

Getting near the show opening. Has been a lot of organizing records and photographs. Learned that there was six years of travel rather than one before he arrived here and met Mom. Wasn't a secret, I just had not been aware.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Balls of Clay, Mock up of building in clay

Tried a clay body new to me. The balls are pseudo glaze test tiles - was trying to see if I could get consistent size. My hand is definitely larger than the balls here, so a little tricky on shaping on wheel. 

Below is quick mock up of the Marin Civic Center. Did it in honor of the contiguous curve, and various related shapes.   I ran out of time on the roof and endcaps of the roof on long building. Smashed it. May go back and do it again, but when have time to have element dry enough for proper placement and carving/cutting of windows, roof design, etc. 


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ceramic Sculpture - complete...maybe

Not the greatest picture (hmmmm), but ceramic sculpture recently out of the kiln. This piece and I have been talking to since creation, and the dialogue lead to it being covered, but still wisps of transparent. 

Part of my lesson in making it is that I liked it better when the center pieces were "smooshed," but I was using them as practice for aesthetic of having something there in the middle, and then moved to throwing the center pieces. Bummer. The glaze was same thing ..planned it one way, circumstances led it another way, new meaning. Then when it came out of the kiln, a bit much for my eye to look at, so veiled. Meaning there too. But, won't go into it here. :)  


Bird - ceramic

 Assignment was to make a cylinder.  I did, but there was a thin part near top, so folded it over. Then  fashioned it into a shape that looked like a bird bath, so, made a bird for it. Scrapped the bird bath when wet, but bird made it through to glaze. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Land's End Trail -- bikes, ships, greetings

Took a walk on a Land's End Trail. The first photo below shows a bike way down it got there, and the rider whereabouts unknown. Saw a human swimmer there -- no spotter with him/her....brave to be doing that in ocean. Saw a big white "paint" splotch on a rock that ships used to use for navigation into the port. Is Fleet week this week, so also saw some naval vessels, and sweetly a boat welcoming them in spraying a hello.