Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Rock arrangement, beach walk

Walk on the beach...beautiful day. My rock arrangement here did not last long. The only people on the beach in about a 45 minute span obliterated with their steps. They were a-typical destroyers, but nonetheless, they destroyed. Accident perhaps. But, interesting lesson. Not all bad, just a hmmmm. 


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Jumbo Gingers -- 2023 .. year #14

The kids jumbo gingerbread cookies -- even as teens they humor their Auntie. We have one that touched the sun, and has some of the galaxy on it -- including Saturn and the Milky Way. Then, we have the ginger that had a wounded leg (Auntie pan transfer issue), with it getting taken to extreme with additional decorated injuries, and a cane for support...not a candy one. 


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Altered forms - Ceramics

Working on concept of similar forms, aligned, and altered. 
Various clay bodies, all initially thrown on the potter's wheel.  


Friday, December 1, 2023

Goblet -- bigger than an elephant

 Large goblet for notable achievements. Bigger than an elephant.