Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Walk sights - flowers, black rooster, orangutan

Eucalyptus "flower" -- on the cap of the little "nuts" -- usually don't see them on the ground, maybe because had been some stormy weather. 

Then, a black rooster! In a fairly urban area, albiet a waterway nearby, so not all built in. And, what I saw an an orangutan hanging from the wires (yes,I know it was a kite). 

Friday, January 12, 2024

January SF - Sunny


Nice day doing some exploring and research in SF yesterday. My companion wanted to go to the beach, so we got close -- smiling at how sunny and pleasant it was for January.  The windmills were placed in the early 1900s. Too bad PlayLand isn't around there any more, but Laughing Sal at least moved near Fisherman's Warf. (She is kind of creepy, but historic) 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Salmon Spawning

Saw a few salmon in the nearby streams this weekend. This one was aerating, while the others were mainly just "hanging out."  Rainy day, and didn't want to intrude on their space, so video not so good, but irl was fun to see. 


Friday, January 5, 2024

Crown Cake for the Birthday Celebrant

 She asked for a cake in the shape of a crown for her birthday. While still a kid, well out of the playing princess stage, not that she ever did. Must be something else. :) 

Her sister and I made it....yes, tilting fondant, some sloppy cutting ,etc. Rolled fondant too thick too, wanted to make it sturdy b/c we had to lift it and put it around the center cake....but, in hindsight, would have made it more thin. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Rock Face


I see a face in this rock.