Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ceramic Sculpture - Soda Fire

Soda Fire...Saint John's black. Inspired by a Robert Motherwell painting at recent de Young visit. 
Up close color takes on more dimensions than this photograph. 


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Ceramic sculpture ..and related form

Saw a sculpure recenly in Berkeley that inspired the above -- my version in clay.  My version is much smaller than the original, and is yet to have the second fire. Leaving it unglazed, as the texture and the clay would seem to be able to tell enough of a story. Will stain the feet once I see it out of the high fire. 

   That same weekend, saw this fabric on Clement, fashioned into a dress. Noting some similiarities in form. 


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Snail - her pace and adventure, as well as protection

Came upon a couple snails. The first I saw climbing up some grass, relatively high..her pace, her determination. The second was very nearby, on Dad's sculpture. I saw it as protection. Go Mom! Yes, Dad, you are with her.