Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Crawdad, Crayfish, Crawfish

Two crawdads on my walk. Hadn't seen them outside the lake before, but it had rained a lot, and is my understand that changes the water chemistry enough that they might search for a new place. Not much in terms of bodies of water around for them other than this lake, so they likely ended up back in it. Hopefully that arm reach protected them from being food for the day. 


Friday, November 22, 2024

Found along the Trail

A different walk than the barn one, but similar views.  Not only my smile upon seeing it (albeit artificial element (not my smile) in natural setting), but also my smile on not seeing the object on the way back -- only two men walking by singularly in his 70+s and one in his 30s..passed it. Kind of glad they were motivated to pick it up. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Henna on my Hand


Going through some old photos. Saw this one from a trip to Morocco. Marrakesh here, my hand having henna applied. The closest to a tattoo for me. :) 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Barn Contents

Barn by the trail by the water...looked a bit beat up, but they had taken care to close it up. Except for the space between the padlocked door where a hand could fit with a phone....and image what was in that dark barn. All neat and tidy. 

Beautiful walk as well...on marsh connected to bay, hills in the distance all in view in clear sky.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Building a city -- part of it -- ceramics

In process of using a photograph I took for inspiration of a scene on a street in Mysore.  I had been there long ago, on my way to a wedding of a friend. More when I complete the project.  

Clay, hand built. 


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Skink! Quite a blue tail


I planned on moving a piece of marble outside, but this skink allowed me to leave it alone. The skink had been under the marble slab as I picked it up, and "he" wasn't moving. He then moved to under the edge of the marble that I had resting on the ground. Didn't want to hurt it, so held it for a bit more until skink went away a bit, but by that time, rethought the heavy lift, and decided to wait for a friend. :) 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Production Pottery -- kind of! :)

Made these last week .. fast! For fundraising event. Nice group of people surrounding, fun times. 


From a documentary - ceramics and plexiglass


I won't put the full interpretation here, in part because I don't want to oversimply the documentary I recently saw. Natural resources, relationships on several levels. Was an assignment about relationships....not necessarily the human kind. The clip is intentional, as the story can change with a different environment in the background.