Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Textile Printing

First attempt at textile printing garment. Used foam to create shapes, attached to acrylic block.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Print Making

Instructor gave us demonstration on aquatinting...the resin particles floating down on the plate. Inspired me to making dancer in mid-leap for my first aquatint.


Benches. Here is one of the benches I created using re-claimed granite scraps from various projects. David and Naomi scoured the granite lots in their area, brought a cache home, and David and I began the process of bench making.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Book Of Dad's Sculpture...some day

Started this project last year (or before). Took photographs of many of my Dad's artworks. Plan to compose a "rough-draft" book...an attempt to corral together a retrospective of some sort. Have written some background on Dad, but have yet to wrap it up. Also need to perfect my picture taking skills...how to see the bronze through black plexi-glass without the light reflecting off the black (flood it with lights or sunlight likely), etc, etc. Luckily, I can move most of the sculptures by myself...those sculpture moving muscles still working after all these years. Remember well being on the other end of sculpture my Dad wanted to move...I was likely just the hands that "steadied" rather than the hands that lifted, but, remember feeling the importance of the moment...like "pay attention, this thing is heavy." Child safety issues be darned (I write with a smile.)

Some of the sculptures need some touch up work...finishes to be buffed, scratches "erased," etc. Thinking I will likely just picture them as they are today, because waiting to fix them all to be "like new" will postpone the book effort even further. One nice "wonder" was....two of the pieces had lights in them ("invisible" light bulbs embedded in the piece to cast light out of apertures), one of them a standing garden lantern that had been on side garden patio of Mom's house for ages (20 years?), and the other a tall sculpture in her entry way. Guess what....both lights still worked. Those lightbulbs were last touched by my Dad no doubt, and he died in 1974. Poetic, n'est pas?

Friday, July 10, 2009

3 Girls, 1 Boy

An element of doubleinfinitypixie with which I have played: Taking some "vintage" photographs of my siblings, digitalizing, and applying cards (eventually to notebooks, etcetera, etcetera).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Book Making

Took some illustrations my sister did when she was about 15, and put them in hard cover book format. The sketch book had about 7 drawings per page, so, I was cropping, rotating, and paginating quite a bit in order to make some semblance of a story. "Mia and her Magi-nation" was title, presented to the real Mia for Christmas.

Also made a book of immediate family photographs, from my parents marriage through each of the four kids, and spouses (and offspring at the time). This was the trial run for the "Dad sculpture book" project, which will have many more photographs and text inserts.