Thursday, April 29, 2010

Benches -- Granite

Ok, feeling a bit guilty about not posting much in April, so adding my granite pieces from past projects...recently visited their owners, so, reminded me to do more soon. Use granite remnants, so psuedo green. The blue and white one was liked as standing piece, rather than bench, so David made stand for it.

Have been busy this April, but mostly with non-postable projects.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Combining two of my new skills...flax paper and felting

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pop Art Assignment

Granted, a little odd. Assignment was to create pattern and render in fabric a work of Pop-Art. I may need to explain what this is, so I am. An 'i," from iPod, iPad, iGeneration , etc. Figured out a nifty thing about pi as I worked the math for specific size ".," stitched in white vinyl, with cover made of clear stitchable (but barely) plastic. The "i" itself wasn't the whole story for me, so, I humanized the form by creating removable eyes and clothing -- to depict the reality that these 'i" phenomenas aren't cold technology, but methods that allow individuals to personalize aspects of their life and create in ways that were not too accessible not so many years ago. Title of piece is below this text.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Two Images

Bunny cake entering witness protection program
(his face details remain in pan).