Sunday, January 23, 2011

Claymation Short

Made this a couple years ago while staying in Prague for a bit...was a mini workshop at Muddum, so combined efforts with a few others. A little speedy on the "third act," but we were running out of time, and took too few pics (from point&shoot digital camera) -- the rhythm/story is accelerated from intention.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cut Paper

Cut watercolor paper....playing with light and shadows.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spray Paint on Plexi

Casually perusing a 70's era multi volume series of craft/creations of that time (pvc pipe furniture anyone?!) of the first projects I saw was spray painting a room divider out of plexi. While I am not quite ready to add a room divider to my abode, playing with it small scale. Painting on glass has been around for ages of course, but finding the spray painting plexi can give a different look, and well work for certain scales/design concepts. This rendition, of course, is amateur hour, but another trick in the bag. (note: Photog assistant was most helpful and took direction well. We watched The Red Balloon afterward to continue enjoyment).

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Out at Cheese Factory today...didn't resist capturing some of the trees on digital. On the way home, saw some salmon going up stream...actually, not figuratively!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Solvy Lace Camisole

Created this camisole by stitching line over line on Solvy arranged in simple camisole shape. Once the stitching was done, dipped it in water for a few minutes, and the "plastic" dissolves, leaving just the stitching. Yes, a little skimpy, but if/when I have the patience to make another one larger, envision it has "over layer" dress.

How I do it:

a. Cut Solvy to basic shape I'd like to achieve.  You can add on Solvy as you go....for this cami, I started with the front, added the straps, then the back...joining the sides with the same technique. Nothing is really "sewn" it is "webbed" -- stitching very randomly
b. Start stitching on sewing machine....I use cotton/poly thread. (stitch one layer of Solvy at a time)
c. Run the machine all over....loop de loops, etc....keep it "un-broken" in terms of stitch.  Cross over your stitch are trying to allow the thread to make its web, and it will need the support of the all the threads on your solvy.
d. Fine to start with another color(s)...just keep the webbing idea going with continuous stitch lines.
e. You may be able to tell how dense I am making will need a fair amount of stitching to give it structural integrity...when the above cami is off the body, it resembles a heap of does have shape, but it won't look like a regular cami ...very airy.
f. Dissolve the Solvy per instructions.

I haven't ever gone back and added more to something using this make sure you have enough thread on there before you dissolve the Solvy.

I have made garments, pictures, and assorted do-dads with this technique. The pictures are not precise, but believe they could be as desired.  I made a map using this basic technique (used habotai silk treated with rabbit skin glue so it was transparent)...could get it fairly detailed...though it does take time to make all those stitches.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ok, not really mind blowing, but I did learn something new...super long bolster covers.