Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Piece -- Wax for Bronze Casting

Here is my first piece...using flat slabs, manipulated, repeated, and textured. The four pieces are not connected -- to allow the handler freedom of choice. Note: Also double infinity pixie emblem x 2.

Wax for Bronze II

My second and third attempt in the medium.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Working in Wax

Made these recalling a few things -- the person was like Mud Bloop, a creature I kept on my desk for years while at Express...was a good guy to hold as a "thought piece" (rosary?) and occasionally pound on the desk in frustration brought on by tiredness or perhaps something else (he could take it, he was my helper, and new that I loved him). This guys arms are curved in just a bit as he was effected by his surroundings at the time....someone near me at the studio was crying for some reason, so he was giving her a hug in spirit. I envison him as a paper was also very blowy out that day...60 mph winds, and that way he can be a reminder of compassion and gravity.

The four legged creature reminding me of something I made with my Dad in ceramics. My sisters each made one, and my Dad helped me a lot with mine (I was the littlest one). I made it "all by myself" this time...quite a few years later. (gosh, I can't even write the amount of years down!).

Child-like these are, my 4rd and 5th piece in wax to be cast in bronze (or perhaps not...we shall see if I go to cast them).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentines Simple Heart

Simple but effective heart (hmmmm...I think that translates to people too). The string is slippy, so quick release built in..option is to use magnetic clasp instead.