Monday, October 31, 2011

Clay and Rod

Wanted the rods close, but not welded together. Used clay as experiement, may move to stone.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Drawing Photograph

Ok, this is cheating in terms of "from my hand" blog post drawing my sister did on pumpkin, I can only claim the photograph.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rock Rocked

My first, and perhaps my last rock sculpture. Soft as it may have been comparatively, it still took a fair amount of chiseling. I was attempting to make the hole I had 75% through complete when it split. Hence the pink supports. Made it more interesting to me. Will polish so the black green of the rock is apparent, as it would be if wet.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jersey Tabs

Rescued this from being tossed, after pouring the bearers their due. Not sure what I shall do with them next, but will most likely include stitching. Perhaps a lamp, perhaps something else.
Coated paper.

(Picasa seems incapable of letting me flip the photo, and this blog thing isn't allowing it either..agghghg...I am seeing the second photo flipped so the writing is easily readable...not that it is key for it to be read, but flows better to my eye).