Saturday, March 17, 2012

Framing the Sky

The sky was walking across the stage here it seems....though of course, the stage of sky is much broader than these wings.

Don't exactly know why the yellow showed up in the building in both color and b/w setting.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bronze Sculpture

Part of a larger piece, cast as a test for the new foundry. Bronze.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My first bronze sculpture

My first sculpture in bronze!  Yes, it has a meaning. Is not finished yet...need to figure out base (will be very simple plane...dark wood or bronze), as well as decide if will patina.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Acyrlic Paint Skin Treatment

Not necessarily recommended, but it did leave a dandy pedicure effect.  A side project in the making of a backpack. Complete with "stick out " piece that would give wearer indication of getting too close to "something."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sculpture in Progress

Liberated bronze from casting apparatus. This was among my first attempts at wax for bronze....joined people. Has taken a long time to get cast.  Actually, my next post will be my first sculpture actually cast, which I believe is my "best" so far as it has a more personal "learning" meaning to me.  These "joined" people will be removed from the sprues next week.

The "8s" in the last photo were actually my first shapes I kept, but not the first cast.   Hack saw and angle grinder. Now for sandblast and patina. .