Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pom Pom Headdress and Hand Helds

Pom Poms for the 49ers.  Her pre-school is having a 49er spirit day tomorrow, and she is very happy to be able to wear her red party dress instead of plaid jumper that day.  When I asked her if she knew who the 49ers were, she said yes.  I pulled up a google image query for her to see, and then I remarked that they were all red and gold, so that was the color we would make the pom poms.  She responded to me..."they aren't all red and gold....their faces aren't gold." The beauty of literal interpretation and care in observation.

Lots of sheets of tissue paper (about 8+ each), fold over about 1.5-2" (back and forth..flip sheets with each fold).  Tie in the middle (I used thin copper wire), lift up each sheet ....puffs right up....arrange for total round, or flower like. You can cut a reverse "U"  (round part on the end) on the folded ends prior to opening up to give a scallop/rounded edge. Her pom pom headdress is attached to a headband via a hair tie put on the center of the tissue length before one unfurls them. Needs a fair amount of bobby pins to stay in place

Monday, January 28, 2013

Heart's Desire Beach

Sign near the coast looked a little splotchy...on closer examination, it was busy growing. I guess that is good for desire, not so good those who live near beaches...unless they are aquatic. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Shine on cotton -- Sequins --

Still playing with sequins. Like the shine on matte. Used solvy to keep sequins somewhat contained until I could get the sewing machine needle over them.  I used brown thread to make tracks to keep them in some "order" then moved to cream thread to allow them to "dance" a bit on the background.  Using the sewing machine was a lot faster than doing it by hand.  This is a sampler for me to think to use the concept in another project. The combination of color and light, with "nature."  Shine and matte....frivolity with  down to earth. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Color on Grey -- Tomato Spill

Bumpy path, tomatoes tumble. 

A lone tree on a recent walk....classic tree pose of the area....well, except there aren't other trees around.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Giraffe Cake

Giraffe cake for a 4 year old. Yes, that is why the wire giraffe took place several posts ago....raff lover in my midst.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Solvy Lace Lamp Shade

Using Solvy to make lace...same technique as post of  January 6, 2011.  This time I used it to cover a floor/table lamp...and took pictures of the solvy in the sewing machine.  I made the majority of stitches on a flat piece of solvy, a couple inches longer than what would wrap around the lamp.  Near the end, measured the overlap, and stitched it together to make a "band" to fit snugly over the lamp shade. Solvy is water soluble so once finished with the stitching, dip in warm water for a bit for "plastic" to dissolve. 

Triple Green

1. Re-used fabric. Green denim for ancient times (well, not Greek ancient, but old).
                            Floral fabric from Mom's stash...sister's dress when she was very young.
2.Cloth napkin.  Cut down on paper use. Yes, does require washing, but with manufacturing 
                          of paper, transport, etc, likely a bit ahead with cloth. 
3. Color.  Green.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Satin and sequins. Why? I don't really know, other than subtle shine with more overt shine had appeal.  And color....sequin colors...mmmmm.