Saturday, March 30, 2013

Monkey Brain Clay

 Tasked with mask making, I thought of what creates the mask...the normal mask some people wear ever day...and, of course it is usually mind created mask...their face looks as it normally does, but the mask is motivated by the brain. Had a conversation a couple weeks ago with a friend who uses the term "monkey brain" to sometimes justify thoughts or behavior that is perhaps less than one should be thinking in terms of ramifications.  So...monkey hanging out in this head. This ended up being smashed into the clay dump, as it was too cruddy to keep ...but it was the thought more than the physical object. Clay is so great for quick thoughts.

Fourth Iteration

Yes, part of the process...doing this over and over, different iterations.  This uses Hydrocal, a kind of blend of plaster and cement...more durable than plaster.  Smooth finish thus far. Fine powder, mix with water. Pour a little thick, but pours, and the tapping to release air bubbles helped move some of the mixture through the box.

Once I pop it out of here (screwed in sides), will see how it works when dry.  This time the letters are made to "stay in" the plaque.  Back has a sheet of hardware screen (metal small grid mesh) to add strength.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy California Cow?

Trip up the coast a couple weeks ago....he (she?) had a steep climb up the side of the hill.  If it were night time, glad white variety.

Copper Wire Tree with Felt Fruit

Quickly worked copper wire into a tree, and added a felted fruit...wool  from local sheep, purchased from farmer's market a few weeks ago.  The roving was purchased, not the sheep!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Iteration Interpreted in Wax for Bronze

This is what started the Iteration thought.  I was somehow drawn to repetitive shapes easily made by hand. I am not much of a "realistic"  figure artist ("not much" being an overstatement), and kind of shudder at the lack of my skills there.  I decided that I would embrace what I can do, and that is make these hand easily, without fret...embrace what I could do likely being a good mode to make forward progress. 

Currently I am exploring culture trends in "making" and decided that making pseudo uniformity by hand kind of dovetails into the movement of technology being used to customize. The balls are the same, but different, by hand.  And hopefully, they are caught in "movement," which may be more evident in real life than in this picture. 

This is being prepped to cast in bronze. Plan to mount on backing..working through the process/choices. 

Third Iteration

Yet another iteration. Wax and wood.

Wax Word Sculpture Second Iteration

Working with concept of words in wax.  Second iteration used silicone spray, which was much  easier to remove than when I just placed the letters without coating.  Process...set the letters, pour in the wax.  Another iteration is in the being gathered.