Monday, July 1, 2013

Magic Tree -- 1981 Package, Pushmi-Pullyu (Push-me-pull-you)

Pulled this Magic Tree package out of hall closet at Mom's -- package dated 1981, $1.50 price sticker.  Figured it would be worth a try for "Auntie Camp" with my nieces. I think I am more impressed, but it did garner some smiles....there was some electronic competition (Leapster), but wonder did occur to some degree. Packet contained less than a teaspoon of salt-like grains and this tree shape in paper to slot together. Put salt type stuff in glass, 1 teaspoon of water, then the tree on less than two hours we had this. 

The Pushmi-Pullyu ("push-me - pull-you)  (Dr Dolittle)  stuffed animal I showed her earlier perhaps was my most thought provoking element of "Auntie Camp" -- went to find a video of "Push-Me-Pull-Me" on YouTube, and the creature does look quite real.  I remember receiving Pushmi-Pullyu quite some time ago...I think he came in a yellow box, clear on top. Nice that Mom hangs onto some things....especially at her house!

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