Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stuffed Animal "Bunny" Portrait

Took inspiration from my photograph of stuffed toy bunny. Believe I have conveyed the story prior: Received him from the "Easter Bunny" on a Sunday morning of my childhood.  That same day, the family went for a ride, and upon exiting the car, my bunny fell into a muddy puddle. Bunny was wrapped in newspaper for the car ride home, and then put in the washing machine and dryer. Bunny came out very matted, and not at all like he was just that Easter morning. One of the "life lessons" in a way....shiny and bright one second, muffed up the next.  I think I use the memory for humor more for the "dire" part of the lesson.  Again, I thank Mom for not getting rid of all this stuff from childhood...thank goodness for lots of closets and good organizational skills (and for overlooking some things that really "ought to go!"). 

16x20 canvas
Freezer paper outline of bunny applied to framed canvas.."iron-on" properties of freezer paper worked fine. Applied gold spray paint (still part of my "paint on many surfaces" experiment) to give outline.  I was going to paint on face details, but decided the warmth of fabric would be better, plus I "fabric" slightly better than I paint.  Hand felted nose.  Yes, I meant to have the white show to the right of him....attempt to offset/add dimension to him a bit.

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