Monday, October 20, 2014

First Coil Pot -- Dung Fire

First coil pot I have least in my memory, the little kid stuff was likely pinch pots. 
Some practiced and smashed ones before this, but this one was good enough to "go for."
Mata Ortiz clay, brought to us via guest artist from that region. I burnished with oil and stone. 

Below shows the process of the dung fire.  

a. Pieces set in base of metal container that has spaced air holes. Hot coals underneath to warm the pieces.  No piece should be too close to the open hole as it may heat more quickly. The idea is to heat the pieces up slowly.  Initially all were put in the hot box to warm for about an hour or so.

b. Dried dung (lots of local cows!) placed around the container with lid.

c. Set the fire. 

d. Wait until the dung burns away.  This was about an hour. 

e. Voila, your fired piece. My first coil pot blew up. Perhaps it didn't heat slowly enough, perhaps an air pocket (hmmm), or just the luck of the draw when it comes to firing. I have most of the pieces, so we will see how she looks "re-assembled." 

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