Saturday, November 29, 2014

Figure -- ceramics

Practice with the syrup bottle figure gave me some practice on the proportions of leg, torso and head. Free-formed this one to use for mold making...same idea as the reddish one, but without the feet to make the mold making easier.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Mold Making

Both the same size...just angle of the shot. Wrapped clay around syrup bottle. Waited until it dried a bit. Sliced, dried and fired. Did the mold making process again with an original figure I made...this time used waxed resist between the two part as they dried..should be a more snug fit. Playing with iteration  theme...plan  to adjust their accouterments. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Chirstmas Garland

Snowpeople, birds, trees and the Abominable. Foam colored sheets, pen, glitter, and twine.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pirate Ship -- Ceramics

Started as a lark one day when I had a patch on my eye from recent hiking accident. A pirate ship.
I made them greedy pirates with a very big treasure trunk in relationship to the size of their ship.
Their treasure? Cheese!  The crack formed as  I made it ...this particular clay seems to do that quite a bit.  But perhaps fitting, as greedy pirates in clay ships tend to get cracks in their hull.

Fashioned a sail, put it on an ocean here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ceramic Figure -- my first

Still wet, but I am happy to have my first figure still be standing!  That is a puffy had (turban or chef toque) on top. Keeping the image slightly dark to add to mood...standing back, arms crossed and thinking is the pose.   Clay came together easier than drawing...the 3D being real rather than illusion.

Below, fired.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pit Fire in Sand on Beach..Coil Pot

Coil pot -- Pit fire. Season with copper scrubby and some interactions with other elements and perhaps some surrounding pots in the fire. 

Fire Pit process.

a. Assess how much to fire, map out size of pit. We ended up with 8' circumference circle.
b. Dig.
c. Placed 3" of sawdust on base of pit.
d. Placed bisque fire works in saw dust. Foil wrap if you don't want black on the part that will touch       sawdust..
e. Put kindling wood around pieces. Some put dung on top of pieces, then kindling.
f. Put sheet metal on top of "wood pile" to help heat stay in the pit. Use metal bars to support sheet metal so they don't fall onto work as fire burns.
g. Start the fire, and wait until it burns out.
h. Allow works to cool to help avoid cracking...they shouldn't be taken out immediately after fire burns out....let them gradually cool.
i. At the end of the day, voila, your pot.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


She has probably had her picture taken many times as she is along a path in walking area, but still, she seem to deserve the attention.