Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pit Fire in Sand on Beach..Coil Pot

Coil pot -- Pit fire. Season with copper scrubby and some interactions with other elements and perhaps some surrounding pots in the fire. 

Fire Pit process.

a. Assess how much to fire, map out size of pit. We ended up with 8' circumference circle.
b. Dig.
c. Placed 3" of sawdust on base of pit.
d. Placed bisque fire works in saw dust. Foil wrap if you don't want black on the part that will touch       sawdust..
e. Put kindling wood around pieces. Some put dung on top of pieces, then kindling.
f. Put sheet metal on top of "wood pile" to help heat stay in the pit. Use metal bars to support sheet metal so they don't fall onto work as fire burns.
g. Start the fire, and wait until it burns out.
h. Allow works to cool to help avoid cracking...they shouldn't be taken out immediately after fire burns out....let them gradually cool.
i. At the end of the day, voila, your pot.

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