Friday, March 27, 2015

Beginnings of Ceramic Tile Table

a. Made "life size" copy of the art I wanted to turn into a table.  (24" x 38" in this case)
b. Put that copy onto a slab of clay.
c. Etched lines with side of pointed end of pencil (not the point, as too sharp..tears paper).
d. Use x-acto knife to cut along the lines you "perforated" with the pencil.
e. Allow gradual dry of the tiles.  Mine are on two boards.  First couple days with plastic on top, flat weight on top of that to allow for flat slow dry.  Then moved to paper on top, with flat weight.
Move the tiles at least once a day so the are free of the underneath damp they created.

More later as the project progresses!

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