Sunday, September 6, 2015

Denim Patchwork Skirt

Years of denim from the early days. Mom had envisioned a quilt with squares, and did quite a bit of cutting up from childhood denim from four kids. I took the leftovers...(the good of someone who saves stuff) mainly....and pieced them together.  Plenty of somewhat unorthodox sewing going on to make things fit together on the right...hence a little bunching and some tilt.  Denim patchwork skirt.

I was going to embroider it, after seeing an inspiration piece (that started this project out) of a Chinese embroidery on denim/dark blue fabric from image secured at recent visit to Met, but then the denim piecing took over, and the embroidery seems like it might be a bit much on top.

So...embroidery project to go, but denim fabric ready for skirt ready now. Like I need another skirt....

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