Sunday, February 21, 2016

Guest Creator -- What to do with a wet day, nature and some colored glass

The little one made a fairy water entity embellished with some things from the yard and some colored glass discs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spring 2016...well, not quite yet, but looking like it

Above: Tree in the city -- discovered while spending a delightful day with my friends. 
  Below: In the backyard.                                                                                                     

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Finally -- my first risen yeast thing

Yes, it should have domed on the top, but my first solo yeast item.  I had personal lesson a few weeks ago, with my "teacher" telling me "don't be afraid."  Yeast has always seemed somewhat mystic to me, and sensitive.  Ok, so yeast is 5000 or so years old and used by billions, but, me, not until now. It did take me two attempts to get the "starter" (or whatever it is called) right...didn't seem to bubble/froth as it did during my lesson, so did another one ..tablespoon yeast, warm water, honey. Now  I would like to try my "familiarity" (not quite a skill yet!)  on french bread.  

Note: My teacher tells me that I shouldn't put the plastic over the loaves...that might have helped create the flat top. Pictures reveal!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Guest Artist -- Marshmallow Valentine

Please note he is in Whip-It Nae Nae pose, and made of marshmallows. I am not sure if it helps him dance, but the flashlight was moving back and forth during the presentation to me, I certainly felt the movement.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Abstract -- Acrylic on Canvas

It may not be done, but it is born. 

Cattails, Swans, Mergansers, Gallinule, Bobbing Ducks

Pretty day out there....just (but not only) ducky.