Friday, July 29, 2016

First show

My two tables got to be seen in public. Local venue. Nice. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Trippy Hands

Someone was having fun.  Quite a visual. 

Beach Scene -- Glazed and Fired.

Ok, not perfect, but learned. Lots of test tiles.  The wet ground too grey, the lupines too dark green on background, the right sky too dark, etc, etc...but, nature not so easy to duplicate with my current glaze skills. Some little white spots (non-glazed) appeared...need to ask around why those appeared...kiln incident? 

Will see if take this to finish.  Is to be as picture (back splash), not flat as table...the fade back to horizon working better look at, rather than looking down. 

(See 7.24.2017 post for install into kitchen)

Friday, July 8, 2016

How to clean your oven

Was baking some Sculpey pieces the kids had made .275 degrees...not so hot.  Kaboom.  I guess that wasn't Pyrex.  The thing was so shattered...I could read only part...Anchor Hocking..ok for microwave, no open flame...something about oven, but too busted at that point to read it. Had to take apart several "layers" of oven (with tools, not just sliding off)  to get all the bits of glass out of the nooks and crannies. ..and while there, used sponge on all the parts rather than just self-clean function. answer the label of the post: busting a glass dish in your oven is one way to force a "clean your oven" (more than surface, without the self clean function).  Luckily ...very burst with oven door closed, not as opening.

Flowers...a card

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Woodward Valley Trail...some visions

Views from the trail this weekend. Another perspective of beach in tile scene. 

Breaking it down -- photo to Ceramic Backsplash

Two.five.  Bisque fired tiles - cut from slab of clay. Test tiles on sections to help with process. 
(Process Two involves making tiles...this is about the "fifth" step in Process Two.) 

(See 7.24.2017 post for install into kitchen)

Four.four.  (process Three is test tiles).  In process of glazing. ..after many test tiles and still plenty of mystery involved...mystery resolved...good or bad -- once remove from kiln. (the application of glaze is not finished in this photo)

One.eight. Starting point: Photograph,  At this step of process One, the photo is broken down in sections for tiles, big details "arranged/enhanced" so to help composition.