Sunday, September 25, 2016

Museum Art Rooms

Noticing " Art Rooms" --"do it yourself" -- at every museum /national gallery this trip...had before in many, now it seems in every museum there is a room or dedicated space with supplies to create.

The tiger is inpired by Rousseau show....large nicely lit  room with supplies at end of exhibit. 
Crown was role play at education honor of King here who made policy changes to further education for the people....had several crowns on display made by school kids.
Wooden blocks at Rudolfium ..after Last Year at Marienbad exhibit....not that the blocks related to movie..were there after series of questions about modern/contemporary art. Very simple nice blocks to stack and play.  

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Food fun

 I found this guy in market in Prague.  I pulled him out of pile and stood him up woman noticed...began laughing and gave me quite a conversation that I did not understand...yet kindred spirit perhaps...where seems that much of interchange outside is proper...not laughing with a "stranger" or pretending that you know mischief they may be doing.

Both obtained at farmers market near Vltava this morning...
The bread here is loaded with seeds ...moist and delicious.
The veggies ..$2 total for all these.

 Pea soup --the best I have ever tasted. Strawberry juice (omg, so good..want to find it here)...while sitting at one mighty fine view in quiet place a bit away from tourist central.

Another chlebicky version --these look better than they taste, but that is ok....still fun good. This one was fried cheese, peppers, tomato, pickle, lettuce and Parmesan...on bread (the chleb part). 

Wreath from Farmer's Market...refreshing in understatement. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Not in Kansas Anymore

Ok...not that I have ever really been in Kansas..above it, yes, in airport maybe...but using the saying nonetheless.  I am going to float on one of these someday...hopefully soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dryer Artist

As I was walking down the hall, I saw the light emitting fron the dryer door.  How could that be? I ran the dryer the night before..I had not emptied it yet.  Voila! The dryer was busy creating art that wanted to bust out and be seen.

A lace strap of a tank top  had hooked onto the little metal tab that intersects with closed door.  The tank top intertwined with other clothes in the dryer...making this ensemble....and then pushing open the door slightly by it's bulk force.  Simple twist can be powerful. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

More Fairy Houses

For the nieces...who seem to be having fun making fairy gardens in planters....though seeing the effects of curious night animals exploration and watering (lack thereof).  Fairy house: Wooden planter turned upside down, paint, Coconut shell roof, pine cone "leaf" trim. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Fluffy Pom Pom for Shoes

Ok...not exactly shoe making (yet) or pom pom making..but  And oh so practical.