Saturday, September 24, 2016

Food fun

 I found this guy in market in Prague.  I pulled him out of pile and stood him up woman noticed...began laughing and gave me quite a conversation that I did not understand...yet kindred spirit perhaps...where seems that much of interchange outside is proper...not laughing with a "stranger" or pretending that you know mischief they may be doing.

Both obtained at farmers market near Vltava this morning...
The bread here is loaded with seeds ...moist and delicious.
The veggies ..$2 total for all these.

 Pea soup --the best I have ever tasted. Strawberry juice (omg, so good..want to find it here)...while sitting at one mighty fine view in quiet place a bit away from tourist central.

Another chlebicky version --these look better than they taste, but that is ok....still fun good. This one was fried cheese, peppers, tomato, pickle, lettuce and Parmesan...on bread (the chleb part). 

Wreath from Farmer's Market...refreshing in understatement. 

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