Friday, October 21, 2016

Ceramic Crown

Not yet fired or bejeweled...but in the works.  It is not's clay! Oh, that should not become the official I am morphing two memories into was Imperial margarine, not my rhyme fun short circuited.

My inspiration came from celebration of King Charles IV 700th birthday -- a few exhibits, and "king" touches around recent travels.  They seem to really like him there..he worked to create systems of in the lands he ruled to foster peace, supported the arts, brought new ideas, etc.  He was the decendent  of two Saints, so that seemed to give him a "leg up" too in terms of fondness.    One exhibit had a coat he wore, with descriptive saying that the then Pope or some "authoritative" figure of his reign said that is was too tight and unseemly for a King to wear.  Charles IV had had an "outside" culture exposure life prior to assuming the reign -- and he thought the coat just fine.  The cultural impact of clothing....I suppose there are many many books on that.  I wonder how it would be if we all wore crowns? Hard to take a hike with I suppose..and of course, Sneetch story line to ensue.

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