Saturday, November 12, 2016

Construction Process -- Playing with Idea

 Friend gave me a seed of project -- paint collaboratively.  Turn out the canvases were foam core board.  So, I thought of 3D construction rather than "painting." Drew in notability...since not much of a sketcher, and eye used to screen images, played in Notability.

Then mapped it out dimension-wise, and converted those to back of board.
Primed the board, to find when it dried that the primer cause warping because had only done one side...pull with pull back.  My structure has little openings here and there because of this (well, some b/c of this, some b/c my cuts not always exact). The collaboration part is my commission for David's painting on side of building.   :)

Anyhow...this was a lark for an hour or so, but reminded me of the process of making. I was constructing this inside the shop part of his, peg boards, etc. Reminded me so much of childhood views. First off -- of all those years of watching my father construct art in his studio -- so much of it created in his heart and mind first, and via his hands "free form ," but also the measuring part...there were parts that needed to be put together with exactness. All that subtle viewing of a kid...seeing it being made.   Then, all those years watching Susan's Dad work in his shop or on something by the lake. Then, watching David do process on physical projects -- working together on benches, watching him tackle some home project.

I thought how lucky I had been to be exposed to all this -- watching people make something with their hands and minds. I've know how lucky I have been to have these people in my life, but I begin to think of what may not be as prevalent today -- beyond having the fortune of having a father as an artist, those other parts of my watching -- the repair or creation of utilitarian things rather than the buying of things.  As we know, so much seems nowadays easier to re-buy than fix. May the view of making by hands be available to all those who would benefit.  Tech/computer creation and re-buying works for many and does of course teach a different kind of building, but doing it yourself works the mind and hands in different ways.

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